Your Least Favorite Thing About Scooter Riding


ya boy boo radley
Staff member
Doctor: So Gerrit, how did you break your ankle?
Me: I broke it riding a scooter.
Doctor: A what?
Me: *facepalm*
-Mollycoddled little noobs who have wrist and knee pads who get mummys and their mummys bitchy friends to video them doing 1 footers, x-ups and 180's

-9-10 ten year olds who won't leave me be at my local.


all the hate Scooterzone gives Proride, and mee personally. seriously wtf did i ever do to u guys? if u dont like proride because u think they r just copy-cat assholes who only care about money, watever, no matter wat i say wont change that. but i defiinetly dont think that way(niether do they) so y do u guys hav to talk shit to ME?

when u hav pros like Nick Darger and Capron Funk talking shit to other riders just for the company they ride for, i think that makes our sport look much worse then all the snakes at the skatepark.


Injuries (Deck smashing your ankles :mad:)
New riders that think whips are the best trick ever made


when people snake you but they say you snaked them
little kids it the park buttboarding!!!!!!
a pro showing up and people asking why you cant do that stuff


Bronze member
-No one to ride with.
-Short and small decks that makes scooters look like any kind of scooter a 5 year old rides on
-Wheels flexing/wobbling from cutting down in the grooves on roads made out of bricks/tiles.
-Availability of parts other then Eagle,Blunt and District which can be found just about everywhere.