Your Least Favorite Thing About Scooter Riding


when people bitch about other kids having $600 dollar scooters but cant do anything themselves. also when my scooter gets undailed, and when i need a part and a shop doesnt have it. and i hate how huge the sport got, i liked how it was when it wasnt that popular.

Josh Young

Super Moderator
Staff member
little scooter kids
park rats
stop rocks/cracks
shitty filming/ shitty ass videos
shit talkers (aka little SR kids who think they have a place in the scooter world just bc there post count is high on SR)
tons of whack companies
tons of whack parts
explaining to people that you ride a razor scooter
rolling up to a spot and theres skaters there and they look at you like... wat

i could go on and on
1. getting called a scooter fag
2. why parts are so expensive
3. when you forget how to do simple tricks e.g. barspins D:
4. (i have ODI extra longnecks) when people say "he stuck two grips together!" or "why are your grips so long?"
i say: you have to buy a pair of ODi's then feed and water them for a month, then they will grow ;)


Steel Member
When you're commenting on how cool and fun skateboarding is and a skater overhears and thinks you're saying it's shit.