your local? tell us all bout it.


I got 3 parks in my town
A 5-6ft semetrical bowl a bank and roll in on either side crappy tranny, ruff as but fun to air
A indoor with a 7 fot quarter a few box jumps a manny pad 4ft quarter banks kickers ect.
Park concrete park 1 to 2 ft mini run half pipe quaters, banks hips, rails ect. goes to a 5 -6 ft carvable bowl sub box, box jumps, hand rails, hips ect to a spine and 4-5ft half pipe with hips


I got myself banned.


rathmines bowl, get used to it and u can some fun there, i love it
matt clarke said:
i would bet that ines teh shitest its full of either little 10 yr olds tailwhiping flyout with metalcores and 1 peice bars or 20 yr old pothead skaters drug and high bein idiots
yeah well dapto has the packer's, wolfpack whohaha!
Jarrad Smith said:
Chatswood. Pretty good.

And Lane Cove.
I don't know what it is, but i just love this park. I seem to ride it really well too. The bigger qp is perfect for airs.


Idk, i think i might be one of the 2 scooter riders there :p
i love that park too, similar to my local in ways, and wtf??theres a building next to it now?? :s
umm... i think everyone knows jamo... where coedie rides (penrith) and also cranebrook... 5 ft half pipe and a wierd bank thing and an 8 ft in the half pipe and all the coping is too far out and way too steep