Your moms like a.....


Steel Member
Your mum is like a bowling ball, she gets fingered, thrown down the gutter and keeps coming back for more.

The Batman

Steel Member
Staff member
devonis1337 no1 knows who you are and for real shut the @#$% up you dont know anything about humor

and I have never heard of you.

To be completely honest, I haven't heard of almost anyone who has posted in this. Almost all of you just joined this year, maybe even later. Most of you are all 15 year old's who actually take the time to type out sensors for when they want to use vulgar language and rant about how "we don't need you here..." when we honestly don't need YOU here. I know this an online community, but you seriously don't need to live up to the stereotype of a fucking premature twit on his mommy's computer.

Other then that, I find the mom joke hilarious.
Take what you just said and never say it again.

Seriously? It was supposed to sound retarded, because "brotherbonez" has no idea what he is talking about.

I don't know whats up with you guys, but you are too young and immature to see past things. Actually, I'm just a kid myself, but I can see different sides of things. Devin started out this site, and pissed a few people off because they thought he was cocky. He's been fine since and you think you should join some kind of hate bandwagon because its sewper k00l to do so, cuz everyone is doing that right? You wouldn't actually want people to think you like this kid would you? I'm not talking to you proudlefty, I just quoted you to point something out, I'm just saying on a side note, because I've seen it a couple of times.


thank you... i'm really not that bad, i just like to poke fun at idiots every once in a while. my first handful of posts were pretty bad, but other than that, it's all good.

yeahhhh, lol@children.