Your most embarassing moment

Matt Rittler

Steel Member
Zak L'Italien said:
ILLMER said:
mother walks in room me completley naked
not gonna lie thats happened to me before..... haha you dont wanna know whaat i was doin though

you were out of colthes and you were washing them so you had to sit naked untill they were done
am i right?

Ben Moak

Steel Member
urethane explosion hit a biker in the face while i was in a train run he fell i laughed my balls off then booked it

Mason. A

Mason A
at monster my old ffriend from school was there and he cant drop in or anything , he started been smart ass saying he can do anything and he said to me i bet you cant cant clear that (it is about 30cm long) i l went for it and landed it then some kid came up and felll on me one second then he laughed and said i stacked


first day of 7th grade, we were doing jumping jacks for some reason in math, I didnt know anyone, I came down and just blew my ass out. LOUDEST FART EVER. I was so embarrased you have no idea, I ended up getting my classes switched haha.
some cocky kid thought he was better on me at scooter so we had a game of pig.
i decidedto start off easy so i hopped onto a ledge to manny and fell flat on my ass :(


"with" my girlfriend in the room over her garage, her little brother was watchin us through the window then ran in the house.
most embarrasing moment?....mhmmmmmm

probly wen i was in my history class...we had just goten back from lunch and they served i layed a nasty fart and i sat in the middle of the class so almost every1 got a wiff like it was terrible i could barely breathe and kids around me were moving their seets just made me feel like a dumass and stinky boy


I was in 8th grade... I had perfect attendance until I missed a day because I had to attend a funeral. My friends thought it would be funny to start a rumor that I got caught jacking off in the school bathroom by the principal, and got kicked out.

Shit spread like fucking wildfire, every single person in the school heard about it, including most of the teachers. I came back to school the next day not having a clue as to what they did.

Needless to say, worst day of my high school career ahahahah.


I own WSP.
I was eating yohgurt at school.
Some girl asked me out and came over and hugged me,
While my mate was whistling and yelling, i attempted to throw the yogurt at him.
Pretty much just went over me and my bag.
Then someone goes to her, look what happened when you hugged him.
You all know what it looked like.