Well me. I've got a big year ahead of me.
My minor resolutions are to finish up 3 of my project bikes and get my Instrument Rating all finished and move on to commercial as far as flying goes. I also need to get to the gym more then 2-3 times a week so that and hit the tracks up more often.
My main revolution is to spearhead a sport I invented awhile back to mainstream. I called it Urban Assault Riding (UAR) but the name has been changed to Supermoto Freeriding. The whole thing is set it a city or urban environment. Basically you have a starting point and an ending point and you get 5 or 6 guys on street legal motorcycles (Everyone I got into it uses a enduro or supoermoto or dual sport because of their suspension, lightweight, narrowness, and ability to take a beating. We had one guy use a trials bike but he later got a dual sport like I have.) and you all start at point A and race to point B going over under or through anything possible to get there. I've ridden over drain pipes, across basketball courts and soccer fields. I've rode on sidewalks, cut through alleyways, down and up stairs, and even jumped over speed bumps, off 8 ft. ledges onto streets and completely cleared planter boxes. I like to think of it almost as free running on a motorcycle. Plus the addition of competition.
Anyways, that's my main goal this year. To get Supermoto Freeriding going nationwide.