Looks like you're still running the steeper "headtube" angle eh Dylan? I just did that as you'll see, and it seems pretty killer.
Here we go. I got this old B from a kid in SD during the comp in trade for an old A. Then I got some plates as you can see and cut them into reinforcement. I'm probably going to put a bolt in the middle for more strength/solidness. I also switched the big and little bolt in the foldy so that it's more solid and angled forward more, and from what little riding I've done, I like it. I'm gonna make my Rad's wider sometime aswell, they're at 16" and they'll be 17" or a bit more. I don't really feel comfortable with a couple inches of extra bar held on by the bar end.
Edit: On the last picture it's the ends of the deck that're bent, not the reinforcement. And I'll get some new pictures once I get my SR forks.