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The updates were added, getting grip this weekend




Travis House

Wu-Tang Master
Staff member
Demo missile grips?

Love it Jeff, I can't believe the stuff you do on that thing. Those steel reinforcements are brute.


Alright, so I put some plates on top and under the deck by the foldy, they're kinda thing but it's all I could get, either way there's way more surface area than with just the foldy. And the plate under the folding mech goes back a few inches further than the one on top, the more the merrier. As for the reinforcement, I put some more bolts in it so now it's super quiet and goodness, before it would vibrate a bit and it made me really angry.


Top plate and reinforcement bolt (not a bolt that reinforces, a bolt for the reinforcement)


Wheel, reinforcement, brake bolt, reinforcement bolt (from left to right)


Steel/aluminum sandwich, reinforcement/bolt, legs.

The holes in the reinforcement are so I can get to the bolts under the foldy. The top plate looks warped but I think it's just the angle.


Super Geek
Staff member
It can still tear that deck up till you have cracks in there. If you wanna leave the cracks then you have to put that bottom foldy plate under the deck and find some longer bolts for your foldy.




Blade stem
Razor Ttube
Bolted stem and Ttube
Trolley poll
Odi longnecks
Fsa sealed headset
Bolted foldy mech
(BW)Yakand glue moded(FW)dont hav a clue lol
Blade brake
Sprayed stem and ttube blue
sprayed deck white
micro forks
action watever u call em they hold the headset together lol


Madis said:
It can still tear that deck up till you have cracks in there. If you wanna leave the cracks then you have to put that bottom foldy plate under the deck and find some longer bolts for your foldy.

But then I can't do smiths :( everything is against me here lol.

Dylan Kasson

Steel Member
Jakob Burns said:
how is the front wheel is it good ?
they suck so bad
theyre mad eout of rubber not urethane so theyre like industrial workshop wheels for carts and shit like they were so slow you jus tlike stopped in place after a couple pushes and I couldnt even clear the pyramid at my park when I was ridnig them they are so bad theyre not even good for a fornt wheel because it slows you down never get these!


I know, the bars are a bit high for my liking too unfortunately, I drilled the damn hole too high, but will fix it tomorrow.
I only just put it all together.
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