on my area code page
animal edwins
rad ogs, 18x19
baby SCS
fsa DH pro
micro MX park deck
full core slider fw
full core gripper bw
mx park break
plus my beautiful snowboard and crash pad
and if anyone was wondering its a metoluis stomp crash pad and a stepchild jibstick with rome arsenal bindings
for riding pegs there the worst forks in the world
My Favorite Most Dialed Setup I Have Ever Had.
lucky h.i.c. bars 22 high 18 wide
half knuck
cane creak s-1
phoenix 4.5
black on silver proto sliders
and a home made flex fender
Green Animal Edwins + barends.
Raw Hardline shorties 18w x 21.75ish
Raw Baby SCS.
FSA Orbit MX.
TSI Thom Cat's.
Eagle spoked 110mm FW.
Blue District V2 with Jessup grip and cut brake.
White spoked Proto gripper BW.
Didnt know there was still XT's kicking around, probably the best XT iv'e ever seen haha.
Damn over half of the weight is your deck. Put a district or a rup on it hahahaMy temporary set-up. Probably the lightest XT out there. And it isn't even as bad as i expected it to be. Pretty good balance actually. And the partslist: you can figure it out...