Joe Collins
Get the new one and tell us how it is!
im going on vacation for 3 WEEKS, and my parents arent letting me bring my scooter. idk what im gonna do. i begged them, and they were like, fine, maybe if your good, we'll get you a shitty jd bug (cuz im going to europe)
Scepter bars 21x23
District clamp
Lucky evo 4.5
Some fsa sealed
District pegs
I love bringing my scooter on vacations. Even if I don't ride it at all.
I'm on vacation now and brought my scooter. 7 skateparks in Central Florida and none allow scooters. FML
odi longnecks
inward victories
district clamp
vertex smx
dh pro headset
dual proto grippers
pheonix switchblade
mob grip