Jacob Mahon
i would rather spend 30 bucks on a brake then 80 bucks every 2 months for shoes....
If you have a break you wear out your wheels alot and you would have to buy new wheels. So either way its alot of money.i would rather spend 30 bucks on a brake then 80 bucks every 2 months for shoes....
if it had a flex fender it would be like "nom nom nom"
I would rather not have Crows on an Ultra Pro lol. God, that has to feel so awkward.
^Who the fuck uses there brake to stop anyways.
Are you dumb?How would you fall on your ass? And if you don't use a brake to stop, why do you have it? The only reason I see other than stopping is to slow down when you're going too fast for a gap, or to make it so your foot doesn't hit the wheel. If your foot is hitting the wheel you need to either get a longer deck, or land your tricks right.
You dont need to put your foot on your brake all that does is wear down your wheel and give you flat stops.uhhh most people who ride scooters
If you have a break you wear out your wheels alot and you would have to buy new wheels. So either way its alot of money.
Well my back quake says otherwise want pics?had my eagles for about 4 months and they weren't worn out at all
You dont need to put your foot on your brake all that does is wear down your wheel and give you flat stops.
I usaully just put my foot down, but i can understand slowing down for lines and stuff so its less sketchy.
SOOOO Stoked on this thing<333
Odi Longnecks/Kink lightest barends
Lucky pro bars HIC 21h 19w
Proto Halfknuckle, (saving up for a blue one)
Cane creek s1
Lucky SMX forks
Proto Grippers/Razor Bearings
Phoenix deck/Switchblade