
Steel Member

  • ODI Longnecks, Black
  • Alias barends
  • RAD OGs, 23" tall in SCS (forktube in bars), 18" wide
  • PROTO SCS, Silver
  • Cane Creek SC1 headset
  • VertX LinX fork
  • VertX Solid Core Wheels, 100mm, old urethane
  • VertX ABEC-7 bearings
  • Razor Ultra Pro v2 deck
  • Razor Ultra Pro brake

Bump. Wore a hole through my brake today and my back wheel's starting to get pretty sliced up.


Here my freshly built Reventon SS (5.25")

I think I am going to put my blue scorcher fork w/ blue Proto SCS and blue/white Proto wheels (w/ raw lucky bars blue grips) to see what that looks like... Ill post pics when i get a chance to swap it over.
(My boys blue Extreme in the backgound)




Staff member
i really like it but doesnt the footspace bother you at all ?

The footspace is wonderful for me! I hate wide decks lol. 3.8 is beautiful. my next deck will be a 4.0 though :/
I've actually learned more on this deck than anything else.

unless i can find another 3.8 then ill be riding 4.0 at least.


Steel Member
oldschool madds are the only decks i know of that are 3.8, is there any more or do u modify ur decks??? thats really wierd but im kinda like you, less deckspace means that you cant land it at a funny angle or just plain sketchy, it means you land it straight or not at all. i loved my old madd but im never goin back to it, it was a bitck to dial and maintain, it also looked like sh!t

if you were in aus i'd like give/sell u a 3.8 madd cus ive got heaps but u r in america and im in the land down under ;)


Here is my freshly built SS Reventon (5.25").
I think I'm going to switch it up though and put on my blue Scorcher forks, blue proto SCS, blue/white proto wheels, with raw bars/blue grips and see what that looks like. Ill post new pics when i switch it over.
(that is my son's MGP Nitro Ext in the background)

