Debating on paitning my bars black...
Raw them to match the fork
Debating on paitning my bars black...
somone like sell me there smx..... now
Sold my Crows For Drug Money, and Hookers.
Thanks man, It rides like a dream.
Tilt scs
Tilt legacy
Wees, 20x20
Eagle 110s
District Benji sig rawed
Sooooo nice
Brians scooter is nice.
have you seen austins scooter? basically the same and he got like 10 times better when he got it haha
like 40 page bump lolFirst time posting a picture, I hope it works...
District V1 bars-red
district clamp- black
razor single clamp- chromey silvery color
fsa orbit mx- green
Vertx Vmax forks- red
Ultra Pro- Ass paint job
FW: Vertx mag- black on silver
BW: Vertx mag- red on black
Razor brake
random bearings
Everything is dialed except the brake.
Link if IMG code doesnt work
And Grips: Odi Longnecks
TSI Heptrons 22h 19w
Faxtion HIC clamp
FSA impact headset
Tilt Legacy V2 forks
jon Reyes sliders
TSI flight 20
Tilt scs
Tilt legacy
Wees, 20x20
Eagle 110s
District Benji sig rawed
Debating on paitning my bars black...