yea dude you'll have those wheels forever i promise haha
hell yeah im pumped
yea dude you'll have those wheels forever i promise haha
This thread is about scooters, not conversations.
Wheels look nice but the 5 bolt clamp is ugly and unnecessary.
Bump what do u guys think?
There's good and bad different. 5 bolt clamp = bad different.
i like it, we are not all the same, everyone has a diff opinion
sorry but the 5th bolt is useless... 4 bolts holds fine and weighs less, 5 bolts is kinda impractical.
New phoenix wheels, scorchers, and a mgp team edition deck. looks pretty nice.
EDIT: wow manny hit me up so we can ride dudeee
Gayest quote on this site, ever.
Charlie... hahahaha
sorry but the 5th bolt is useless... 4 bolts holds fine and weighs less, 5 bolts is kinda impractical.
sorry but the 5th bolt is useless... 4 bolts holds fine and weighs less, 5 bolts is kinda impractical.
My scooter
No. This is impractical...
Phoenix integrated 4.5
ODI longnecks
RUP bars
proto scs
fsa orbitz headset
phoenix phorx
proto grippers
You bumped it two times on the same fucking page.