Derek Seay

My bars are cracked nearly all the way around the welds and bent, and my wheels have like these cuts in the sides of the urethane that can be pushed apart. (Chunking)

Parker AZ

Bronze member
The AoS v2 is TOO light, I switched from a V2i to one and it just doesn't feel safe if you go big in the streets. And if you flow a lot, I doubt you'd like it. Now I'm riding a cut down green V2i.

Some kid at my local has an AOS v2, district alus, IHC forks and spoked wheels and his scooter is literally lighter than a stock ultra pro.

It's just too light

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member



Razor bars, Blunt Declare forks, ECX Wheels, District clamp, cut V2i, Blunt headset. The uglymobile.



Steel Member
Lol sorry i dont now where to put this and i didnt want to make a thread but will this setup work because i just got a district deck
Epic bars, Sz oversized clamp, Hic, Fsa orbit headset, District deck ,Epic fork, Proto sliders. Thanks guys i just want to now because i got a new deck