
-Odi Long Neck Grips
-Shadow Bar Ends
-Baby Slayers 19/16
-Black French ID Clamp w/ Shim
-Cane Creek S-1
-SR V2.2 Fork
-Inward Comp.
-Fw White Proto Gripper Dyed and Painted
-Bw Worn Down 120 Razor Wheel Painted and Dyed
-TSI One Piece Deck w/ Bolt on Brake
-Mob Grip Tape
-Bone Swiss Bearings

Hep Greg

Josh Herman said:

-Odi Long Neck Grips
-Shadow Bar Ends
-Baby Slayers 19/16
-Black French ID Clamp w/ Shim
-Cane Creek S-1
-SR V2.2 Fork
-Inward Comp.
-Fw White Proto Gripper Dyed and Painted
-Bw Worn Down 120 Razor Wheel Painted and Dyed
-TSI One Piece Deck w/ Bolt on Brake
-Mob Grip Tape
-Bone Swiss Bearings

<3333 SOTM october.

halloween statuss

Hep Greg


im not happy with my current scoot. (orange bars)

Orange bars

B deck w/ pro reinforcement plate, yaak headtube
DXG bars, 23" (w/scs) x 20" wide
Brass knucks (HATE IT)
125mm SR fork (bent as f*ck)
110mm french ID comets (no bueno)
Cane Creek S-3 headset
eaglesport bearings & wheel spacers
cut pro brake
ODI longnecks
Animal bar ends
Grade 8 foldy hardware

white bars (something i put together to ride when i left my scoot at elmer's house for 3 days)

older pro deck, old a headtube
Aluminum prototype bars, 24" x 20"
125mm Inward fork, threadless
my sig wheelset (110 back, 125 front) [chunked/fuucked/worn down]
Chris king headset
modified french ID compression
french ID clamp
Eaglesport bearings & wheel spacers
Season Skaggle grips
Shadow Conspiracy bar ends
Inward foldy hardware
cut pro brake

Hep Greg

DANNN P. said:
Really good. I'm jealous.

the orange one is no bueno. i mean its good enough, but i smack my shins on the knucks on literally EVERY turndown/lookback i do, and the fork is old as shit and really bent from toothpicks, and comets just suck. the white one is nice tho, but the bars are too tall for me.

anthony c said:
greg, are they dialed

go fully inflate a basketball, and drop it off a roof.

the sound it makes will be less dialed sounding than my scooters.

Hep Greg

Pirate Negative said:
Yeahhhhhh Greg bitch more about your scooter.

the deck is cracking, i took the griptape off an old deck, i wanna repaint it but all my paints at margaret's house and shes in colombia, alex steadman has smelly treeroots instead of hair, and my grips are grimier than angelo's life.