Just got the thing today
You and me are like the only people in Melbourne that I know of that have a Frid
Just got the thing today
Nice ride. I like it
French Id
Phoenix Wheels
Phoenix Bars
Phoenix Wedge
Proto scs
Made myself a flexy for it. So much more dialed.
Put on the new deck and bars, pretty much grinded through the old one and these bars are a little taller.
You just double posted... Sometimes it just happens.
Just got the thing today
I'm not sure why people just don't delete their double posts...
sorry for shitty pics but new scoot
I have district v2-i
proto scs
v code cooper bars
animal edwin grips
victory wheels... better than i thought
and wedge forks
should i switch to my benj deck?
Put on the new deck and bars, pretty much grinded through the old one and these bars are a little taller.
Blake it's like sex isn't it? I got exactly the same thing, I switched the grips though pretty quickly I hated em.
Last bump.