Andrew Young
I've had my vert x g bars since last july, they're good
Are vertx g bars heavy^^
I want an AO deck.
i love this thing. i used to have a setup with similar colors, i cant find a pic tho.
was it before or after this one?
was it before or after this one?
Haha dude I just remembered all that hype there used to be over those poweredge decks! I totally forgot about those. Weren't they just long old A decks?haha, i think it was a little bit after. it was when i was living in that house tho. it was a poweredge deck, with grey urethane/orange core wheels, a black fork and bars, and orange grips.
I want an AO deck.
Haha dude I just remembered all that hype there used to be over those poweredge decks! I totally forgot about those. Weren't they just long old A decks?
i love my threshold, grinds so good, better then an Orion. will evaluate its flat riding once i tighten up my headset, to lazy now
vertx g 23.5x18
duo brand grips
baby scs
odyssey headset(pink was ten bucks cheaper)
vertx fullcores
dont complain about the griptape, this is all i have, and i dont like riding without it, getting black grip asap
yeah its a baby scs, and i know, i covered up the tsi sticker on the side with a canadian flagDo what I did for head set spacers, it looks like youre using 3 so put 2 IN your scs (the top part) wherw the bara go, put them in first then the commpession cap then your bars, so youll have two in your scs then youll have one on top of your headset. The spacers obly fit in scs that fit oversizedtho and i didnt look what scs you have so it may be piontless but whatever.
That will look way better with black but that sticker that says tsi looks wierd to me