
Odyssey barends
Odi Longnecks
Proto ReTros 24Hx20W
Proto SCS
FSA Impact
Phoenix Phorx
Phoenix Reventon
Proto Sliders white on black
Bones swiss bearings
Phoenix Switchblade
refresh. Same geometry, but newer generation parts.
odi longnecks w/ shadow barends
proto slayer lite (24" high, 22" wide)
phoenix smooth scs
fsa impact headset
125mm proto striker
customized tsi threshold (21.5" x 4.5" / hta 83°) + footfender & flexfender
dual 110mm proto gripper dk v3 sig. Wheels
bones swiss bearings
weighs 510g less than my old setup. Went for 0.5" inch taller bars than the last setup since i stopped using the 125mm hep greg front wheel, the whole setup still feels the same geometrically. Basically it didn't require any time to get use to it and i somehow scored 2nd place at a comp in south-estonia on the first day on this setup on saturday. Not bad. Tsi did a pretty darn good job on these decks. Shoutout to matt thom and greg cohen for your input in the creation of these and shoutout to buff and the crew for the bars and wheels, plus the fork is still in bangin good shape after 2.5years of shreddin and hits.
ODI longnecks
MGP barends
phoenix suicide 22 wide/25,5 high?
phoenix smooth scs
district integrated
TSI zero offset thomcat fork(loving that!thank you trick scooter international!)
110mm proto gripper dk v3 sig. Wheels
TSI threshold (22" x 4.5" / hta 83°) + footfender & flexfender
bones swiss bearings
BIG BIG thanks to madis!smooth as butter...
razors alu bars... 18 wide by 21 high in scs
raptor grips
proto scs
fas impact headset
tsi flight 20 <3
phoenx 110 6 spoke black on black
Soon to be retro bars
raptor grips
epic rewinds 21 high 20 wide
proto scs
fsa impact headset
tsi flight 20 <3
proto grippers white on black
and tell me to turn my forks around or his get on your knees loosten my bolts and turn them around yourself pussy ass nigger higga figga yeah i can rhyme also
False. The extra 50 was not for the footfender. If it were, I'd make my own.I think its only 50
i don't see the point in having that short of a foot fender.
Original intention to have that footfender was because by that time i got this made, tsi still made alu brakes (which was a looong time ago). I had been riding a full fixed fender (covered the whole wheel) for a year and wanted to go back using brakes, i knew that having alu flexfenders was gonna be a hassle.
So I decided to write a letter to TSI and explained what kind of features I was dreaming of considering the circumstances of having alu brakes and personal preference (83-degree headtube with integrated headset; 21.5" long frame, 5" wide plate; old Freestyler type dropouts for easier wheel change; 125mm wheel compatibility since I hoped that companies would have started producing more of these by now, but they haven't... bummer): the footfender would give me the option to ride either brakeless or with brakes.
The guys at TSI were cool enough to do this customized plate with the footfender and two holes for the flexfender which are enough far front that in fact when you use a normal 110mm tsi flexfender with the plate that i have, the brake holes are shifted forwards so it can fit 125mm wheels. (for the current setup i had to use bearing washers to bring the brake down closer to the 110mm wheel since i don't feel like breaking 125mm plastic yaks all the time). When TSI shipped that, spring steel flexfenders were a fresh news then and they actually shipped the deck with one which came as a suprise to me. Nevertheless, i haven't snapped any steel flexfenders ever since.
All this above might make you think that since tsi's heat-treated spring steel flexfenders don't snap, then what's the point of having a footfender on the deck then? Good question. At some point because of having such a burly deck I started being into big-ass/long 180's to fakies, over gaps, stairs, over funboxes to flat etc
With a regular footfender-less deck: once you're in the air and you can feel the brake against your heel or the side of the shoe, there are chances that you might actually land your shit to fakie smoothly OR somehow hit your brake on landing causing it to block and you'll bounce head first to ground. BUT with the fixedfender or footfender+flexfender combo, when ever that's against the side of my shoe, i know i'm safe since the footfender is keeping my feet clear from the brake. If I feel that my leg is over the footfender, then I know when to bail before landing onto the brake fakie. Bottom line: the footfender helps meto keep my rear foot away from the brake when I land tricks into fakie, especially on bigger jumps. If that made any sense.
Personal preference.
what lens was used to take this? its niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice
Madis, you should ask Matt to make a new generation Threshold Kukk Cruiser, with the squared front dropouts, the half fixed fender, the 83 hta, and the other specs.