Robert, I thought you were getting raw strikers. Do they even sell them in raw?
They dont sell raw, and i had to send my black ones in for warranty and they had to send me teal because thats all they had.
Robert, I thought you were getting raw strikers. Do they even sell them in raw?
got sliders.
couldnt be happier with this setup.
Photo: Aaron Hill <3
what bars?
V2 love. Matt Thom works wonders. Support the dudes at TSI.
* 21.5" long by 4.5" wide
* 83° HTA
* flat front
* footfender (+ flexfender compatible)
setup as of now:
’07 barely used longnecks w/ shadow barends
slayer lites 24x22
125mm striker
smooth scs w/ fsa topcap
customized thresh v2
dylan kasson sigs
aftermarket grade 12.9 bolts/axles
i really wanna see if theres any way i could get a 21.5 by 4.65 threshhold
what bars?
what bars?
Photo: Aaron Hill <3
love this, but how many scooters do you have
i really wanna see if theres any way i could get a 21.5 by 4.65 threshhold
i really wanna see if theres any way i could get a 21.5 by 4.65 threshhold