Silver Member
Rawed my fork what should I do to it now or dose it look good

get new pegs and barends
bumpppppp ☂
picture is too small i cant see anything
that deck is so ugly what is it?
the forks are kinda ugly too
Rawed my fork what should I do to it now or dose it look good
hell nay get that peg off that striker but it cool otherwise
ohh god heaven forbid i mess up one word .learn to spell.
ohh god heaven forbid i mess up one word .
i mess up one word and i have to take elementary school all over again seems legit how bought you just worry bought your self and if i get a spell a word wrong no need to be a dick bought it
ohh god heaven forbid i mess up one word .
i mess up one word and i have to take elementary school all over again seems legit how bought you just worry bought your self and if i get a spell a word wrong no need to be a dick bought it
yay. but take one of the clamps off.
Rawed my fork what should I do to it now or dose it look good
Rawed my fork what should I do to it now or dose it look good
Its a quad clamp.