Murda�¯�¯|�¯�¯ said:Didnt have a camera at the time!!
lucky v1 bars 22wide 21high
lucky ndub fork!
Silver scs
Drill head tube=tsi angle
reinforce pro deck
Protos i got from elmer!!haha gotta re-up soon
animal Suck assss grips
Fuck upppp go ride you scooter..Anthony Pellino said:I seriously thought that was a young girl in Murda's pic. I'm not joking.
yeaaa my scoots bosss! not super dialed but it works!Brian Luong said:you have like a n dub scoot murdaaa
Joe Riley said:new bars and deck.
20x18 scooterzones.
110 old micro worn down to 100 fw
eagle royal worn to like 95 bw
french id fork pinned
cane creek s-1
old a haedtube
fuckeddd up angle (leans too far back)
stock brake and stuff
primo stricker grips
shadow conspiracy bar ends
fruity colored grip tape haha ran out of red and used blue for dropouts.