
inward bars 18 wide 21 tall
Prototype inward hybrid regular offset
Phoenix deck
thats it
Pretty self explanatory
Grips: Primo martinez
Bars: proto tanks
eagle back 100
proto front 110
inward 0 offset
chromo strip reinforcements
etc etc
Ultra Pro Deck
Rad V.3 Bars
SR Fork
Woodman Axis Sealed Headset
ODI Longneck Grips
Mob Grip Tape
Proto SCS
Two SZ Twizzler Eclipse Wheels
Cut Blade Brake
why are they lame
thats a beasssst scooter.
bent deck...
110MM Sperm front
110MM Purple Eagle back.
FSA Headset
MGP Forks
Fake Wee's 17 wide 19 high
Mgp deck
Maddgear brake
Redline grips
Dialled setup that i <3
I was wondering when someone was going to raw an mgp deck. Makes it look slightly more bearable.