yesssss. Yes.were going on wed the 30th
heres mine
Nick that's a ridiculous paint job
heres mine
heres mine
nice and what kind of tsi is that?
Black ODI Grips
Purple Inward Bars
Black Proto SCS
Black FSA Pig Unsealed Headset
4" Pheonix Deck
Black Inward Extreme Forks
FW:110mm Purple Comet
BW:100mm Purple Comet
Redz Bearings
Eaglesport Spacers
Black Griptape
Black Pro Model Brake
Blue Odi Grips
Lucky NW Bars
Lucky NW Forks
Blue Knucks (xmas)
Black on Black Eagles 110mm (xmas)
Origin 8 Sealed Headset
Tsi 4.5" Deck, bolt on flex fender
Bones Swiss Bearings
death, i like it.
phoenix deck
fsa pig
lucky nork
dual og's
eagle spacers
heely bearings
tiny brake
inward bars
inward compression
district clamp
qcs pegs
home depot grip
animal edwins
bringing it over
Dennis' on the right, mine on the left. Broto status.