CJ Treihart
I got myself banned.
ur scooter sucks stop posting on every page
ur scooter sucks stop posting on every page
ur scooter sucks stop posting on every page
nice nintendo ds and camera and pink sharpie and fingerbike and fish and weird red thing. but the scooter sucks because it wasent taken care of (as in make sure everything is tight aka the back axle).
i posted it twice once before because it was messed up and now im getting new parts sorry im not a rich ass so i cant buy crazy parts shut the fuck up
im poor i have a good scooter because i worked for it i didnt mean to come out as a dick srry bout tht but just dont post into u start getting new parts
uhh nvrm u dont get wht im trying to say
Treihart no kid your age is gonna have a good enough job to have a totally different range of parts every week.
a few new editions... the slider was a LATE christmas gift
baby slayers 20x20
black animals
SR v2
baby scs
fw: black on silver spoked slider bw:105 twizzler hurricane
super reds
phoenix 4.5
blade cutshort
i work with my grandpa
i do some work with my grandma
i save my money
i sell shit on ebay
o btw ive been riding the same parts for 2 months expect for a change of wheels which i go threw ever month from breaking them or wearing them down bad
i also always get metal cores from local lil kids for free if i teach em a trick