A lot of effort went into this scooter:
Madd gear pros are THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST. No other deck compares. if you think the curved headtube is bad for hang 5s, it isn't. It supports your feet perfectly and your heels are supported by the deck, it feels great.
The curved dropouts make the deck sit level to the ground. Unlike some other scooters. Oh, did I mention this comes with a gnarly dialled brake that ISN'T a shitty easily broken piece of aluminum/steel? I didn't? Well, it does.
The deck is thinner than any other deck I've ridden. and it feels oh so good. So worth the shipping costs from Aussie land.
Only problem is the headtube legnth. I bought a headtube extender (electric taped it) but it didn't extend quite enough.
Anyway, specs and whatnot:
MGP deck
Tanks, 20.5 high x 17 wide
Primo Martinez grips
FrID fork
Vapor front, Proto back
MGP bearings in SARS and FSA pig cups. (Looks better than stock. hahaha)
Sick washers I bought. I absolutely hate the look of headtube extenders, so I found something that would look flush with the SCS and headset cups. I think it's a huge improvement aesthetically.
Also, my starnut in the French Id got facked up. So I had to hammer it out.. but I failed miserably. For a while.
Then it got out. But I didnt have any more starnuts.
So I rigged a compression myself using a 3/8ths inch 10 inch long bolt and some washers in the SCS. It's holding up amazingly .

Madd gear pros are THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST. No other deck compares. if you think the curved headtube is bad for hang 5s, it isn't. It supports your feet perfectly and your heels are supported by the deck, it feels great.
The curved dropouts make the deck sit level to the ground. Unlike some other scooters. Oh, did I mention this comes with a gnarly dialled brake that ISN'T a shitty easily broken piece of aluminum/steel? I didn't? Well, it does.
The deck is thinner than any other deck I've ridden. and it feels oh so good. So worth the shipping costs from Aussie land.
Only problem is the headtube legnth. I bought a headtube extender (electric taped it) but it didn't extend quite enough.
Anyway, specs and whatnot:
MGP deck
Tanks, 20.5 high x 17 wide
Primo Martinez grips
FrID fork
Vapor front, Proto back
MGP bearings in SARS and FSA pig cups. (Looks better than stock. hahaha)
Sick washers I bought. I absolutely hate the look of headtube extenders, so I found something that would look flush with the SCS and headset cups. I think it's a huge improvement aesthetically.
Also, my starnut in the French Id got facked up. So I had to hammer it out.. but I failed miserably. For a while.
Then it got out. But I didnt have any more starnuts.
So I rigged a compression myself using a 3/8ths inch 10 inch long bolt and some washers in the SCS. It's holding up amazingly .