Bronze member
Ah ha ha ha ha good one
it look like you ride the sht out of it
it look like you ride the sht out of it
well this is my christmas present
i got this because the sanyo fh1's price went up so i was like screw that and got this
Blue odi longnecks
New Raw HIC Vipers 22x19.5
black scooterzone clamp
grey blunt S.O.B fork
district sealed headset
x2 black on black blunt thinker wheels
blue blunt ace of spades deck
and black diamond griptape
Not Dialed Right Now because my friend didnt tighten my back axle all the way and i dont have the right size allen for it
Inwards 21x17
FSA headset
Inward zero offset
Madd brake
Sliders <3
your join date is january.
how are the razor wheels?
how are the razor wheels?