
they are a little thicker in some spots and the "gussets" come further down the fork for more reinforcement but othere than that there almost identical


Steel Member
im pretty sure your aFAGGET who thinks he is just the coolest kid at the skatepark because you ride a fucking senior fork

Chase Marsh.

Bronze member
I'm not riding a senior fork. I'm riding phoenix phorx. Obviously, you missed out on the joke in my name. And attacking someone's character over the internet makes you that much more gay. Just saying.


Steel Member
alright man ill be the bigger man here and stop talking shit cause your getting annyoing you dont even know what your talking about


Is no ones business if he changes his scooter every week its not your money going into the scooter so dont worry about it. their could many reasons he wants to change it mabey he does'nt like how something looked or felt dont hate cause you dont have enough money to change your scoot every week