Laksdjfasdfasd I love micro huffys. Not crazy about the skateboard deck but hey it's your thing. btw nice bike.
Why do you love Micro Huffys? I like it, I've had a couple of the very first Razors, and I remember this one was way longer... but measuring from the brake to where the foldy supports meet (footspace) it's only 17".
Are pro scooters 2-3 inches longer than the original Razors? (I can't find anywhere how long the OG Razors are)
Everyone kept talking me into selling my OG Razors, so I picked up the Huff on the cheap - but I really liked the way it rode, so I kept it forever...
I slapped the deck on it, cause I'm a clydesdale, and I like the width, and the tail - I cruise with my foot resting on the tail - guess I couldn't get over my "stance" from sk8boarding.
Oh, and thanks for saying that about my bike

I just put it all together.