nick silverman
What did you and Jordan trade?
haha yeah
What did you and Jordan trade?
oh i traded him my lucky 4.5 and a cracked utra pro with a cane creak s-1 on it butt i got his head set witch is way smoother and faster than than mine wasWhat parts did you guys trade -_-
What parts did you guys trade -_-
GUYS. PM eachother. Not in here.
just got my new deck just need to finish rawing it and get a proto for my back wheel them my scooter is done
sry for the small pics and the quality i used my phone becouse my cam is out of batters and i dont have any more right now
but will oven cleaner make it like shiny raw or like a dull raw?
i dont really want to use oven cleaner cause i want me SMX to look like that shiny silver color it comes in
i dont really want to use oven cleaner cause i want me SMX to look like that shiny silver color it comes in
i dont really want to use oven cleaner cause i want me SMX to look like that shiny silver color it comes in
My baby: