Noah Scoots
Dude what's wrong with you
Excuse me?
Stop putting people down on every post you make.
ODI Grips
Blunt strippers
proto scs
smx fork
fsa impact
phoenix 4.5 integrated
dual 110 eagles
qcs plegs
just got my new gernade clamp in gun metal color so sick waiting on the new bars to come in the mail now.
Sorry guys for being a huge noob, but how do I upload my scooter? Thanks sorry just started this today.
Yeah but on photo bucket you dont have to send your email or anything.
Madd 4" Deck
Blunt Strippers
Snafu Grips
Apex V2 SCS
Diatech Headset
Apex Infinity Forks
Proto Sliders
Modus 7 Bearings