
Who cares if he has an Adidas sticker on his scooter, it doesn't matter. Next person to complain about skateboarding stickers on a scooter is gonna get a week long ban.

Andy Mickey

I'm guessing you don't know about adidas skateboarding.....

if you think adidas is just basketbal or footbal your an idiot. and he was talking to you, and you lost. you got powned andy.

Who cares if he has an Adidas sticker on his scooter, it doesn't matter. Next person to complain about skateboarding stickers on a scooter is gonna get a week long ban.

okay, yes i have heard of adidas skateboarding, but i didn't know they still made skate shoes. i said etc. adidas has to do with a lot of sports. i did not get pwnd. that kid just got pissed because everyone was hating on his scooter and i wasn't even hating on it. i'm not complaining about a skateboard sticker. i'm looking at it in the aspect of adidas being more of a jock sports company. i run skateboard/bmx stickers on my scooter all the time.


Super Geek
Staff member
I'm guessing you don't know about adidas skateboarding.....
if you think adidas is just basketbal or footbal your an idiot. and he was talking to you, and you lost. you got powned andy.
Who cares if he has an Adidas sticker on his scooter, it doesn't matter. Next person to complain about skateboarding stickers on a scooter is gonna get a week long ban.
dammmn dudes, look what you've done guys. You broke Alex.
No more chillseeker, you've unleashed the iwannabansomen00bzseeker.