A. cut the width
B. U look so fucking weird with high bars
C. murda is extra black
Murdaa CJ is gunnin On you
me and murda <3 each other it ok btw extra homo
me.anyway why you being a little ass kid and worrying about it. are they your bars? no and who the hell is lil tony
15 why?
I know im black its ok
That post of scooters just turned my stomach. The fact that you needed to change your scooter.. COMPLETELY 14 times is just ridicules. Whats the reason behind this? It looks like you haven't really had any wear and tear on any of the parts at all. This means that you averaged changing your scooter 1 time per month....wow.
Nick why you talkin shit? is IT your freakin scooter. in the mean while nick, put a DICK in your Ear and F*** what ya heard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TORN Scooters Gusset bars 18x18
animal grips
proto scs
origin 8 headset
ultra pro deck
lucky ls v2
proto grippers
SEX <3