this is my secondary scooter i made today, dialed and spisn nice, only thign bar is the bars are 20 by 13 ahah
Wow I haven't been on SR in a while
Animal bar-ends
Aaron Ross signature odyssey grips
Lucky pro HIC bars 21high x 18wide
I ♥ BOOBIES sticker
Purple PROTO half knuckle
FSA Impact headset
PROTO SenioR fork
110mm Coedie Donovan front wheel
4inch Integrated TSI FlowMaster deck
Jessup GripTape
TSI Flex Fender
110mm eagle OG back wheel
Thanks man !huge pick but sick scoot. loving the tsi <3333
sunline mushrooms
custom bars 18.5 wide, 21 high
madd triple clamp
cane creak S3
Dominator fork
100mm eagle BW
110mm Eagle FW
Madd team edition deck
Swish pegs
Madd brake
Stop quoting the same scooters over and over again.
How did you get proto grippers in Europe?
some ugly ass bars
Yes but i haven't seen spoked proto wheels at