this is what i got not amazining but its all i need
Deck: razor pro model
Wheelsroto grippers
Berrings:bones reds
Bars:inward 22 high 16 wide
Grips:Odi longnecks
Sorry for large pics
hahah my scoot
sorry for large pics
hahah my scoot
hahah my scoot
sorry for large pics
my scooter:
Odi longnecks/animal bar ends
rad og's 20h 18w
pro model clamp
cane creek s3
striker fork
proto gripper spoked(front) proto gripper full core (back)
lucky evo headtube 81.5/lucky (penis style) deck
pro model brake drilled out
inward peg(front) tilt parkk peg(back)
beastly scooter lol
these are way smoother/faster, the lucky wheels already have a bunch of stress marksWhy don't u use the lucky wheels u got
In depth...........
My Scooter:
Homemade HIC Bars 21.5 x 17
Half Knuck
Cane Creek s1
Lucky LSv3
Dual 110 Heps
Random bearings
Ambush Deck
Home made Steel Flex Fender
Tilt Park prototype and Chromo up front and Hella worn Tilt park prototype in back.