
Making some custom district scooters for christmas delivery first batch are, white V2 Deck, white District forks, eagle fernando young black/white wheels with white glow in dark PU, Cropley S2 bars, in black, black district headset and double clamp, district compression kit and white district grips, district bearings, will get pics on when first finished but looking at parts together going to be sik! Can do the whole scooter built for £220, parts costs over £270 retail so bargian, anyone interested in this or another in different colours let us know, have pheonix, eagle, blunt, ambush, dsa, district and eagle parts so can pretty much make whatever you need. Cheers, Joel.


Ye but if you brought one it would be your scooter? And I brought the parts and built it so right now its my scooter so does that count? Only joking mate, its all good, just thought if people are putting on custom scoots was a good place to put it, if anyone gets offended or wound up with it i'll take it down no worries, cheers, Joel. Im off to find the your sales thread now.
this would be perfect if you cut the flanges, and either paint the fork black or raw the brake out.

yea scooterzone sent me the wrong fork it was supposed to be black but im going to cut the flanges and prolly pull the sticker off the bars and im going to pant the fork zebra prolly so its different lol

edy boi

litterally top 5 one of the top 5 scooters ive ever seen, reaaalllly dope, but anyway how does the crows feel with the district ?

djs 2233

Steel Member



got these forks a few days ago. so good! had a few problems getting the wheels in but it rides perfect. any suggestions for a different colour wheel?