
blunt clamp are oem and all district products are made and in china

everything is dr. Dip----- but not everything is OEM, OEM is just rebranded stuff, This is what has torn apart the airsoft world over Echo 1 and Jing Gong...

Dont be a rere and realize that not everything from china is OEM

CJ Treihart

I got myself banned.
marcel is asshole with eagle because i broke alot of wheels and never got a replacement so i started talking shit on them but when i broke my district deck i got a replacment

SOTM.. by mason buckleyy, on Flickr
Bars:MGP Batwings 23 High 21 Wide
Grips:MGP Bamf
Clamp:MGP Nitro
Headset:MGP Nitro
Fork:TSI Thom Cat
Deck:MGP Nitro
Wheels:Eagles Skelotons
Bearings:MGP K-2
Pegs: Tilt Chromo's
GirpTape:Black Magic
Comments and should i try in sotm