
Steel Member
It is. When Cooper Klaar posted his scooter a while back he specifically told people to look at the new dropout style.
for everyone yes they are the new drop-out style :), they made it like that so theres more metal around the drop outs making it even less likely to snap there
yes you are, they made it very similar to the madd gears, i still think phoenix needs to weld a reo plate on the bottem like madd gears make them a lot stonger and by the way NICE SCOOTER!!!
yep new drop out design everyone is correct haha. But thanks for the nice comments and i know yaks suck but who complains for 10 bucks shipped right lol, different wheels on today hoepfully


Staff member
My brother just got a phoenix too, and the first thing i realized was the gay dropouts. They are like super fat.


Bronze member

-ODI Longnecks
-ScooterZone Viper bars
-Rup V2
-Loose wobbly stock headset
-OLD OLD eagle 100mm Front Wheel
-Blunt Cross 100mm Back wheel
-Stock RUP fork
-Crusty griptape

Meh, it works.

Derek Seay


SOOOO Stoked on this thing<333

Odi Longnecks/Kink lightest barends
Lucky pro bars HIC 21h 19w
Proto Halfknuckle, (saving up for a blue one)
Cane creek s1
Lucky SMX forks
Proto Grippers/Razor Bearings
Phoenix deck/Switchblade