
Staff member
raping two pages of the your scooter thread with grotesque amounts of stupidity will result in a vacation.

Kieran Mayhew

Kieran how do you like the bars? I'm probably gonna buy some.
I love the bars. The older ones were quite heavy, but the new ones feel nice and light, I don't know what they changed, but they did a good job. I have them in 22h x 20w and they are the nicest things to barspin ever.

And Rob you just proved to me that I need to be more harsh on people on this site.


Steel Member
If someone thinks that was over the top they can unban him themselves but things like:

are completely unnecessary and intolerable.

Kieran that headtube looks beastly.
Yea thats why i wanted him banned he just went on a rampage for 2 1/2 pages and then tried to blame it on me.

Kieran Mayhew

The headtube is actually so prime man. "On a scale of 1 to Prime I'd give it about a prime."

But seriously, it makes the scooter so much more balanced. I'm thinking of putting spiralling red tape on my fork tube so that when my bars spin, it will look like a barber's sign.


Steel Member
I know how to spell it so your obviously just trying to start something. I didn't know i was in school in summer, but what do you know.