Looks sick tho!
had to mix around some parts cause i wanted to ride my district, blunt forks are kinda busted :/
I really don't agree with the whole "stealing brings down the whole company" kind of thing. It just doesn't, and in that sense muse is correct in saying that a hundred dollars to Walmart isn't even worth blinking at. It isn't going to hurt their ability to pay Madd, it isn't even an issue since it happened. In fact, Walmart has gone to shit since the founder died and left the company to his spoiled ass, rich ass kids who have since completely destroyed what Walmart was supposed to be. The employees at Walmart get screwed on a daily basis in every single way possible, and the way the stores are run is horrendous. My dad works there, I would know. If you're going to steal from anywhere, make it Walmart.
However, the attitude behind it is gross. I hate the mentality people have nowadays. Everyone just thinks that the world owes them everything for no reason, and that they're somehow being done an injustice by having to actually work/pay for things. There's a reason why that shit is illegal. How would you like it if someone stole something from you? Oh, that's right, that's exactly what happened to your iPhone, and you were fucking pissed when it did happen. That's called a double standard. You can't just steal shit all the time and then act like you never expected something of yours to be stolen when it actually happens to you. Obviously you're way better off than a lot of people since you can afford to buy stuff ALL the god damn time, and that's cool. But when you steal shit just for the simple reason that you wanted it, and especially when you get pissed that someone steals something of yours, that just makes you come across as spoiled, selfish, and most of all, hypocritical. I really do hope you grow up a bit before your kid is old enough for your shenanigans (yeah, I said it. shenanigans) to influence him.
I don't "hate you", especially not because of something stupid like this, but seriously you should look at the bigger picture of things and how they make you look rather than just the immediate consequences.
/5 am rant.
that looks so good! wheels?
Does Jackson Manzie ride those bars?