Bronze member
deck-pheonix 4.5
bars-zero gravity drop Vs
deck-pheonix 4.5
bars-zero gravity drop Vs
No, they're fucking impossible.
Yeah, I almost guarentee you cant do them Tyler. So much harder then you think. Not trying to be an asshole or anything!
Good luck
Oh and remember, peg free life bitch
hitchhikers anyone?
so bored doing regular tricks flat........
dude. quit bumping that hideous scooter. for fucks sake im sick of seeing it.
Oh sorry. Your scooters definitely the best
this looks kinna like the scoot that that kid was trying to sell..?
Says the fag who has the shittiest scooter posted in a long time. Half the time it's Other people quoting it because they like it. Your scooter got nothing because it's an absolute piece of garbage, coming from a guy who enjoys seeing a pro mod every once in a while.
Oh and also I've only bumped it twice. Go look asswipe
Oh sorry. Your scooters definitely the best
nah. aint close to shit. thats a classic. Dont get me wrong, I love FR:iD decks, but I hate seeing your every fucking page.
its not a pro mod either dicklicker. how would you call it shit?
least I dont have an SMX on mine.
Your scooter is a classic... Because it has a piece of shit deck and razor forks?
Dude, your seriously fucking stupid if you think that shitty parts make your scooter a classic.
And I don't like the forks either, but I can't find any that I like more. Especially not yours
Alright I dont really care if you'd pick a 30 dollar deck over a 200 dollar deck. It's your choice
then why the fuck are you hating? yeah? if you dont care, why even call it shit? you obviously dont care, ITS MY CHOICE.
cuz u fucking started the fight bitch! your scooter sucks dick so juss leave. bens scooter s amazing and he bumped it like twice its mostly other ppl so fuck off. i hae annoying little fucks like u damn. sorry for the rant, back to scooters.