Michael Aylsworth
thanks bro
it also made me realize my reyes sigs are beat to shit already, and yours are all shiny haha.
thanks bro
it also made me realize my reyes sigs are beat to shit already, and yours are all shiny haha.
specs upon request
had 3 pegs on but took it off,might put it back on tommaorw so i can do crooked grinds
Crooked - This grind can be done with or without pegs and is not very common in scooters yet. Crooked grinds are when the front peg on one side of your scooter is grinding, and the back peg on the other side of your scooter is grinding. For example, your toeside front peg would be on the rail and your heelside back peg would be on the rail. These grinds are almost exactly like a boardslide on rails, but your wheels are right up next to the side of the rail. A crooked grind without pegs would be when your wheels are on opposite sides of the edge you are grinding and are also touching the sides, with you grinding on the bottom of your deck instead of on the pegs. (It is worth noting that some people do boardslides and lipslides on rails with their wheels touching the sides, so that it looks like a crooked grind would, but without pegs.)
crows 22 x 22
odyssey par ends
half knuckle
headset spacer
french id deck
fsa/french id/cane creek headset
tilt fork
blunt peg
tilt park
tsi flexfender
had 3 pegs on but took it off,might put it back on tommaorw so i can do crooked grinds
specs upon request
ODI Longnecks
VertX G Bars, 23" high, 20" wide
VertX SMX V2
VertX 110mm Mag Wheels
VertX Pegs
VertX ArX Headtube
VertX Marconi Deck Prototype
VertX Whisper Brake
Black Diamond Griptape
running 2 pegs in the front now
2 pegs on front are fun, hitchhikers are really hard though
yup thats an overcrook.
crookeds are the same as overcrooks but your back wheel doesn't clear over the rail.