AUSSIE customers like crazy colors also ...
Judging by the colour 'scheme' of a rider, you can tell if he/she is a scooterkid.
AUSSIE customers like crazy colors also ...
My babe<3
Slayer lites black 23.5h 22w
Green ODI's
Tilt scs black
Fsa Impact transparent green integrated headset
TSI Treshold deck white 4.5 x 20
Black TSI flexfender
Checkered flick grip
TSI Thomcats cut to fit tilt scs
Proto Sliders 110mm white on green
Bones reds..
I loveee ittt, everythings soo steeez with it.
you are going to eat shit so much with a peg sticking out that much.
but sick setup
is that a 0 offset thom cat!?
where do you get them!?
District V3 bars Rawed
Tilt SCS
Tilt Legacy Forks
Phoenix 110mm Wheels
District V2i
finally new parts
phoenix v codes 22 high by 20 wide
red odi softs
odi metal barends
red tilt scs
fsa impact headset with polished topcap
4.65 reventon black
red tilt forks
black on black proto grippers
tilt chromos
Just under 9 months old. Crappy photo I know but I wanted to upload it.
you are going to eat shit so much with a peg sticking out that much.
but sick setup
Needs moar rust on the bars and a rusty chromo fork.