I had a set on my intagrated flight , there hella nice. I just like the look of the strikers. They just have that classic street feel.
where did you find a skavenger sticker! i want one
Put an AO on for fun, love it
That things looking fresh, done with the thresh or what?
rawed my trees, now time to paint/raw deck comment on dis
This is sick, A different fork would be a plus but I don't know about a striker.
2nd complete
District bars 22 high 21 wide
District clamp
District fk-4 fork
Proto sliders white on green
Cult headset
Tilt chromo front peg
District v4 integrated deck
I have Tilt Forks on my reventon and personally they are the best looking forks on reventons.
rawed my trees, now time to paint/raw deck comment on dis