Your Setup

issac p

Silver Member

i dont really no anything about cameras, but this is so nice.
what are all the parts and about how much did it all cost?


Super Moderator
Staff member
better glass

So, you are saying a CANON DSLR has better glass that a CANON video camera? (same goes for everybrand really.) and yeah maybe DSLR lenses have better glass that a raynox or a Kenko, no way it is better quality that a century optics lens. DSLR's can have shitty glass quality too buddy, sorry to burst your bubble.

Ben Moak

Steel Member
a solid 5d mark ii setup for filming is probably cheaper than cams that tv shows use, but then again house is shot on 5d mark ii's


Super Moderator
Staff member
Yes, it was used to film one episode, not all of them, also, a VX1K is probably a lot cheaper than a camera used to film a tv show, but they used one to film shots in entourage last year.

Basically the argument you just brought up was pointless. I can assure you that's that was no stock 5D they used to film House. Pretty much a Dslr has worse censors, manual control, battery life, audio, comfort and they have no steady shot. Sure, they have good quality, but they have the jello effect from CMOS chips and a slew of other problems, so for video, a video camera is always going to be a better choice.

Ben Moak

Steel Member
well obvi a dedicated anything is going to better for that than something that can be both, but for being able to do both they do it damn well.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Yes, for both, they do a fantastic job, but I don't understand why people would buy them specifically for filming, makes no sense.

issac p

Silver Member
It's a Samsung SC-MX20, they're probably really cheap now. They really aren't that nice, and are terrible in low light.
and a Kenko .43x fisheye. Those are like 30-40 bucks.

alright thanks bro
do you know of a camera that is kinda cheap that is decent in low light?

issac p

Silver Member
i need help!
i want to get a video camera. one thats $200 or under, and fisheye compatible.
i dont know anything about cameras, so i would gladly appreciate it if you guys helped me out.


Steel Member
if everything goes as expected, im selling my vid came setup (panny h80, shitty wide angle, tele lens, mini tripod for $275 to this kid thursday and buying my friends nikon d40 with a stock lens.

Ben Moak

Steel Member
if everything goes as expected, im selling my vid came setup (panny h80, shitty wide angle, tele lens, mini tripod for $275 to this kid thursday and buying my friends nikon d40 with a stock lens.

finally stepping into the big boy leagues aye? haha just kidding, your better than i am and i actually have a dslr lol