Your Setup

Dylan Kasson

Steel Member
70-300 for sure
like you already have the 38mm wideness and more with your 18-55 your getting and you already have the 100mm with the 70-300 your getting so its just a waste of money

Dylan Kasson

Steel Member

picked these up at a garage sale for $25....went looking around online about them ad i found out they go for $100 each and that alot of people use them, they are powerhouses, i tested them on full power and its crazy they go all the way down to 1/64 power which is real nice quite better than my vivitars
so excited about this im definitely gonna start using them ill keep my vivitars as backups

Dylan Kasson

Steel Member
yep, and they have alot more power control like if you anted to take a picture at f1.8 like a macro with your vvitars you probobly couldnt because it owuld be too bright because they only go down to 1/16 but the sunpaks go down to 1/64
i think they were tested around 2 stops more powerful than vivitars

Andy Rhode

oh ok. i filmed some test footy today with me, erik, jonny, sean, kyle and some other random scooter kids that are pretty good ill upload it in a bit. its like 2 tapes so it will take a while to edit

edit: got pics of my camera. i wanna keep this thing so fucking bad

