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  1. TheObserver

    Colton Freemantle, Seb Abildgaard, and Jeremy Nuyens Day Edit

    So Seb's brother filmed this for us. Think it turned out well, 2 of my clips were filmed with a completely purple toe, so its not my best. Oh well, Jeremy and Seb shredded
  2. TheObserver


    Am I the only one that thinks this is GORGEOUS?
  3. TheObserver

    Who has the best team?

    Proto, tilt, friendly, and madd
  4. TheObserver

    Riding Pictures

    The front board is so amazing
  5. TheObserver

    The Traveling Thread

    im sittin in salt lake airport right now, waitin for a flight to take me back home. Ive been gone for almost 2 weeks now, spent one backpacking and this one at byu provo.. Its been awesome. And has anyone ever traveled as a minor and gotten a bunch of free stuff? When i was 12 i flew from...
  6. TheObserver

    Worst Thing You Have Ever Done

    hahaha you guys are goody two shoes..... once i disrespected the pouch.
  7. TheObserver

    Joe Armstrong Web Edit 2012

    I was in this a couple of times haha... But if you guys havent seen joe ride in person, its amazing the kind of stuff he does. He'll show up, not say much, put his headphones in, and just rip everything. Like on the banger clip, he was just throwing those tricks prettymuch first try, except for...
  8. TheObserver

    Gnarly street spots

    Most of the parks are out of bay. The blue handrail I've been too a couple times with connor. Its awesome, stuff will go down
  9. TheObserver

    is this normal!?

    I saw the title of this thread and went... "Oh no." Lol, um check if your headset is broken. If not, than just throw your scooter away, its time to get a new one.
  10. TheObserver

    Kyrin Bingaman ~ Chillers

    Yeah, but I'll take a clean sexy fakie out over a halfcab trick out anyday:) unless its something ridiculous
  11. TheObserver

    Downhill Racing/Flatground Racing w/ Obastcles-Competitions

    This would be so sick. Make it happen!
  12. TheObserver

    Kyrin Bingaman ~ Chillers

    That was actually alot better than I thought it woulld be. I love your fakie hop-less fakies, but my one criticism is that I dont really like half cabs instead of fakie-ing out, at least when you're not tricking out of fakie
  13. TheObserver

    Gnarly street spots

    Every single spot in this video is in the bay area.
  14. TheObserver

    Riding Pictures

    Its all preference man! I perfer round rails, and I like ones down like extended stair sets.
  15. TheObserver

    removing district graphics

    Hahahaha callum i was going to post that one, but i liked the sword better
  16. TheObserver

    Style vs Big

    Riding fast, hitting big stuff, creative grind combos, and HUGE tricks. I like the style the boxes team has in their edits, I'll watch one of those over a brendon smith edit any daye
  17. TheObserver

    chilli scooter deck

    I'll get one when I'm out of options haha
  18. TheObserver

    removing district graphics

    ' This should do the trick
  19. TheObserver

    Riding Pictures

    This rail doesnt look fun to me. Looks really steep in the picture, is it like that in real life?
  20. TheObserver

    Dakota in Intensive care?

    Itd suck if he did get hurt badly. Hope for the best