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  1. parrish

    streetwear thread

    Godamn hypebeasts and your fancy shit! My friend Sam just got seven Huf hats in the mail. wat r u doin.
  2. parrish

    Justin Lacosse Satori Promo

    That bank spot on the shoreline is sick. Riding in this is sick. Filming is sick. scooter video=level complete
  3. parrish

    Anyone looking to get sponsored?

    Yo like, if you've just got some sponsorships you're trying to get rid of, I guess you could probably get rid of them here:
  4. parrish


    Because thats what comps are about, being better than other people. That one line is better than the one line all the other park riders have. If Kota has a few tricks he throws together in a line that he knows will beat everyone else what incentive does he have to make those tricks different...
  5. parrish

    SR dead?

    Wait ohmyyes. Jona you listen to the Microphones? The best band.
  6. parrish

    Riding Pictures

    Joh that reminds me of this
  7. parrish

    Hello Again SR

    Ahh shit dude I remember watching your videos a while back, you shred. I hope you can get back into riding as soon as possible.
  8. parrish

    SR dead?

    People will probably start using it again, I think its a lot better now too. I never really saw that many people on TRW anyways.
  9. parrish

    En lieu of SR being back alive...

    Here are some clips motherfuckers! Stay grimy.
  10. parrish

    HIC problem with new deck...

    Go to the hardware store. They should be able to help you out. Just bring your scooter in and try to figure it out. They never really care if you bring it in there.
  11. parrish

    Gnarly street spots

    Yo fucking good work on that ditch dude! And Fubi those spots are fucking pristine.
  12. parrish

    Back lips

    Alright. You have to get into that shit, like fucking slam it on there, and make sure that YOUR SHOULDERS ARE SQUARE. Shoulders should be parallel with the rail ideally. Press the ball of your foot wherever you want to lock into the rail, wherever you want your balance point to be and even...
  13. parrish

    Nobody is posting anything...

    So lets start a random ass thread. Whats up everyone? What did you do today?
  14. parrish

    Concrete: Kevin Closson

    Legit, I dug this. I did not dig backlip whiping that handrail from the side though, tisk tisk...
  15. parrish


    This is gnar! Good for you guys. You could put a ledge up on top of that drop and get more landing space...
  16. parrish

    The Almanac #18

  17. parrish

    Some clips.

    Bump for "Scheduled maintenance".
  18. parrish

    Some clips.

    Bump because no bots in videos?
  19. parrish

    Ralph "Monky" McMoran

    This is probably one of the best videos ever. Like up there, for sure, he is sooo good.
  20. parrish

    Some clips.

    I like high waters, my feet get really hot. And yeah, I know, the filmings pretty rough.