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  1. Tom Cirbee

    Scooters on The Berrics

    already posted a thread exactly about this
  2. Tom Cirbee

    Grippers Or Slidders?

    This thread that is owned by billy evers cleary doesnt not seem to be situated in the proper and most appropriate section...
  3. Tom Cirbee

    $400 i have to spend

    *try not to buy from a ton of different sites. The shipping will eat up all your money*
  4. Tom Cirbee

    $400 i have to spend

    what the F*CK is wrong with you. he has $400
  5. Tom Cirbee

    $400 i have to spend

    no eagles run flat sooooooo fast. and thats for every eagle.. not some i have the old protos. they are still in great shape.
  6. Tom Cirbee

    Scooters on the Berrics!

    Scroll down to the video that says "Music To Our Ears" its like before the middle of the vid..
  7. Tom Cirbee

    AMAZING!! new trick. backflip shuffle!

    he did an "Electric Doom" on a scooter
  8. Tom Cirbee

    Noob Setups

    ^^^ wtf how. he clearly explained why THOSE kids were being noobs
  9. Tom Cirbee

    Which deck is tha best? Phoenix, Lucky or TSI

    try the DECK-SUPER THREAD for once. god
  10. Tom Cirbee

    110 wheels (in good shape)

    trades only near Andover MA
  11. Tom Cirbee

    Boston Chowdah! Jam 2010

    it's be sick if everyone brought thier extra gear so there would be like a ton of buying and selling
  12. Tom Cirbee


    holy f*ck mark
  13. Tom Cirbee

    lucky,phonix or tsi

    phoenix phoenix phoenix. get it. soooo good
  14. Tom Cirbee

    Everyone stop bothering Andrew!

    ^^^ hahaha i agree i loaf this bread. its freakin s-WHEAT
  15. Tom Cirbee

    how do u strech an SCS

    ^^ yea. this does work... for like the 5th time ive said it.
  16. Tom Cirbee


    what deck it that? PROTOtype? lolz