Search results

  1. BenJelinek

    Your Favourite Bars!

    No free advertising... And probably any t bars, drop v's, or district al-2
  2. BenJelinek

    Phoenix 4.5 deck For Sale or Trade

    hahahahahaha. how bout hell fucking no. my tsi for the phoenix.
  3. BenJelinek

    Ryan Williams: I Ride scooters?

    he needs to stick to scootering... that was good and all but hes just so much better on a scooter
  4. BenJelinek

    bruised ankles for the elderly

    I love you. Kieran shut up.
  5. BenJelinek

    Torn Scooters is NOW SPONSORING

    got the email, thanks riley :) downloading vegas pro 10 just for this, my vids gonna be siick
  6. BenJelinek


    Bump. And brandon me too, but look at the background. It looks like hes in a hotel in hawaii or mexico or something. Its all perfectly clear water. Damn i would wanna do that too.
  7. BenJelinek

    Bruised heel anyone?

    I only get angered when i land on my goddamn brake on the part of your foot that curves up. Fuck that.
  8. BenJelinek

    r these better than drop v's

    This. I want some.
  9. BenJelinek

    Phoenix 4.5 deck For Sale or Trade

    Ill trade my 5.0 tsi freeflow for it
  10. BenJelinek

    You fav all around deck poll

    Awesome. I bet you feel really good about yourself.
  11. BenJelinek

    Eagle wheels!

    Bayley. Sell me the 2 red ones at skatebarn for 28. You wont have to deal with shipping.
  12. BenJelinek

    Blunt and district

    Your gonna listen to 2 fricken people on this website? They have done really, really well so far. Yeah, some have broke, but there a hell of alot better than a rup. I have had 2, neither have broken, and i can be sketchy as fuck. Districts are soooo good for what they are made for, they are...
  13. BenJelinek

    Ernesto94 unlegit!!!!

    LOL ernesto. I know him. He lives right by me. He's unlegit.
  14. BenJelinek


    2 massive recycle bins and a giant trash can in my room.* Fixed And that would get pretty nasty with the shit i throw in those things, i dont think i would want them in my room koring. Also, this is soooo sick. I LOVE this. I also really like that stock nitro, idk why it looks...
  15. BenJelinek

    bruised ankles for the elderly

    if thats true thats so sick.
  16. BenJelinek

    bruised ankles for the elderly

    This is a weird ass thread. Idk how to reply.
  17. BenJelinek

    Demon wheels

    Same except 6 months for me. Blunt makes some superb wheels
  18. BenJelinek


  19. BenJelinek


    How are these
  20. BenJelinek


    Haha, i still have it. Ill put it on when i get bored of the district. and thanks other people